Giant’s Causeway, Nth Ireland

Giant’s Causeway, Nth Ireland

Northern Ireland’s only World Heritage site and voted Worst Tourist Attraction in the world by an Irish pollโ€ฆ they’d have nothing but great things to say, surely!

Jokes aside, the 40,000 interlocking basalt columns formed by an ancient volcanic eruption was pretty cool, but I too was left a little underwhelmed.

I’m note quite sure what it was. Whether it was romantic predetermined views in my head or the sheer mass of tourists (making it difficult to snap photos) something was a little underwhelming about the place.

Nevertheless, Louise and I enjoyed our little Northern Island sojourn and can see ourselves touring this country again!


Australian. Sport. Passionate Cricket Fan. Go Pro. Abseiling. Snorkeling. Travel. Golf R. SQL Server Developer. Three sons. One daughter. Last Trip: New York.

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