Nevan makes District X-Country

Nevan makes District X-Country

Recently Nevan surprised us when he qualified for the District Cross Country Carnival when he finished 2nd at his school Cross Country. It surprised us because he hadnโ€™t shown us any indication that he enjoyed running in any form. Let alone the โ€œlongestโ€ form of the sport (at his age).

Occurring on a Friday I was fortunate enough to be able to get down to the event and watch. Nevan raced well – for his first attempt at the next level; and had a bit of a grandstand finish with another boy which was quite exciting. Finishing in the middle of the pack he was proud of himself (and rightly so) though not making it to the next stage โ€“ Regional.

Looking forward to helping him prepare next year by actually practicing before the school event.


Australian. Sport. Passionate Cricket Fan. Go Pro. Abseiling. Snorkeling. Travel. Golf R. SQL Server Developer. Three sons. One daughter. Last Trip: New York.

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