New SLR Camera

New SLR Camera

Well I just bought myself a new Minolta Maxxum 5 SLR Camera! My digital camera needs to be fixed, but I really wanted a nice camera to try and take photography up a notch or two.

This is my first set of photos taken with the new camera. Mainly of the house and the boys, but it is off to a pleasing start! There are so many options and features on this camera I have a lot of reading and playing to do!

But for now, I chucked it in Idiot Mode (Automatic Mode) and started shootingโ€ฆ so here goesโ€ฆ


Australian. Sport. Passionate Cricket Fan. Go Pro. Abseiling. Snorkeling. Travel. Golf R. SQL Server Developer. Three sons. One daughter. Last Trip: New York.

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